13 Effective Tips and Tactics for Coyote Hunting Success 2025

Coyotes, foxes, and bobcats are cautious animals, and their wariness only increases when they are heavily hunted. However, it’s a common misconception that these predators are difficult to kill. With a good understanding of hunting techniques, you can increase your chances of success.

Tips and Tactics for Coyote Hunting

Knowing the right hunting locations, stand approaches, calling strategies and shot placement is crucial. By following these tactics, you’ll be able to improve your hunting results and increase your pelt count. Here are some detailed tips and tactics to help you achieve success in coyote hunting:

List Of 13 Effective Coyotes Hunting Tips & Tactics

1. Scouting for Stands

Having multiple hunting spots is essential for better results. While public lands can be productive, private tracts, if available, tend to have lower hunting pressure.


Use tools like OnX Maps for e-scouting. Look for areas with timber near agricultural fields, poultry or turkey farms, or large parcels of land in the Western regions.

Gathering information from landowners and local hunters can provide valuable insights into coyote sightings and behavior patterns.

2. Strategic Stand Placement


Before entering a hunting location, pay attention to the wind direction. Position yourself in a way that allows the wind to blow in your face, reducing the chance of your scent reaching the predators.

Choose a spot with good visibility, preferably an elevated position that provides a clear view. This will enable you to spot approaching coyotes before they spot you. Additionally, find a natural cover or position yourself against a backdrop that breaks up your silhouette, enhancing your concealment.

3. Optimal E-Caller Setup


When using an electronic predator call, consider the placement carefully. Position the e-caller in an area that offers the approaching predator a direct and easy path to the sound source. Making the call easily visible increases the likelihood of attracting their attention and luring them closer to your position.

4. Mastering the Calling Sequence

A common mistake in coyote hunting is relying solely on a single type of distress call, such as rabbit or bird distress. To maximize your chances, offer a variety of sounds during a stand.

Investing in a quality predator call, like the Icotec or FOXPRO Hammerjack, provides access to a wide range of calls. Experiment with different sounds, cadences, frequencies, and volumes to pique the predators’ interest. Don’t hesitate to use unique or unfamiliar calls to trigger their curiosity.

Once you find a calling sequence that works, stick with it until it becomes ineffective.

For example, start with a “Coyote Pair” call at full volume for around 35 seconds to elicit a response. Then, maintain silence for 60 to 90 seconds, waiting for them to finish howling. Follow up with “Lil’s Cottontail” for a few minutes, adjusting the volume to create an enticing scenario. If there’s no response, switch to “Nutty Nuthatch” or “Smacked Rat” for another couple of minutes. Keep the call active without muting it, as a coyote may use the terrain to its advantage and approach silently. If no success is achieved after approximately 10 minutes, try “Yipping Coyotes” followed by “Coyote Pup Distress” for additional minutes.

5. Precision Shot Placement

Coyotes and foxes present small targets, so accurate shot placement is crucial. Choose a rifle and ammunition combination that you’re comfortable with and stick to it.


When a predator approaches, they usually face you directly, allowing for a shot to the chest. If they turn broadside, aim for the top of the shoulder. Both shot placements ensure a quick and ethical dispatch of the predator.

To minimize movement on your stand, have your rifle or gun already pointing in the direction of the e-caller before initiating the call. This preparation reduces the chances of being detected when a predator approaches. If you find yourself in an unfavorable position when a coyote is near, move only when the coyote is in motion to avoid detection.

6. Timing for Success

Understanding the optimal time to hunt can greatly improve your chances of encountering coyotes. Predators tend to be most active when other prey animals, such as owls, hawks, eagles, and house cats, are also active. Cold fronts or weather changes can also trigger increased predator movement.


During day hunts, focus on the twilight hours—just before dawn and just before dusk—when predators are naturally more active. Full moon nights can offer increased prey activity during the daytime, while darker nights are generally better for hunting. Factors like cloud cover, cold weather, or major weather fronts can also influence hunting success.

In the Eastern regions, night hunting has shown greater effectiveness, while daytime calling is often more successful in the Western regions. The higher the predator density in an area, the more competitive they become for food, leading to potentially more productive stands.

7. Night Hunting Techniques

Night hunting for coyotes and foxes requires additional considerations and tools. Elevated vantage points, wind direction, and concealment remain important factors.


However, using lights or thermal and night vision devices becomes crucial for spotting and targeting predators. When using light, like the FOXPRO Gunfire, constantly scan the area, searching for eyeshine reflections. Once you spot a set of eyes, keep the light on or just above the predator as it approaches. When you’re ready to take the shot, a quick lip squeak or bark can make them pause, offering a clear shot opportunity.

From the moment you step out of your vehicle and begin walking to your stand, keep the light or thermal scanner active, continuously searching for the predator’s eyes. Maintain constant vigilance until you return to your vehicle. It’s essential to positively identify your target before taking a shot, as other animals may be attracted to the calls as well.

8. Sitting According To Windicator

When it comes to hunting animals like coyotes, with an extremely good sense of smell, they may find you. Here wind comes as a saver. To hunt coyotes, hunters have to play with the wind and stay unnoticed by them.

You have to select your hunting place after properly investigating the area. Take proper care that the wind is towards your face. This will ensure that your smell won’t reach coyotes. This will allow you to hit the maximum number of coyotes.

9. Have Patience

Do not lose your patience while hunting a coyote! It may take long hours to spot your target. Avoid any conversation or whispering with your hunting partner. Coyotes are cunning animals with extremely sharp ears. They can hear the minimum noise.

If there is no sign of any coyote, just let it get dark, and they will approach. Remember to call a coyote after 15 minutes of you settling in.

10. Carry All The Necessary Coyotes Gears

When you are out in a large area for hunting, you can miss anything. You need to take care that you carry all necessary coyotes hunting gear to avoid any mishappening. Remembering all this stuff may be a challenge. Make a list of your requested gear a few days before going out for a hunt.


Keep on updating your list whenever you remember something to add or remove. Match your gears with the list and move forward to the hunting field without worrying about equipment.

11. Skinning Coyotes

After taking a Shot at the coyote, it’s time to Skin it! If you are skinning for the first time, it may be a tough task. By practicing and following the right procedures, you can do it without any trouble. Make sure to have latex gloves, Sharp Pocket Knife, Dog Collar Choke Chain, Small Game Skinning Gambrel. Start Skinning from the anus and move towards the body. After that, the last step is skinning the face. Store the skin properly according to the weather of the region.

12. Use Cover Scents


Coyotes have a strong sense of smell. Consider using cover scents such as predator urine or masking scents like earth or pine to help conceal your human scent and increase your chances of getting closer to them undetected.

13. Concealment and Camouflage


Coyotes have sharp eyesight and a keen sense of smell. Use appropriate camouflage clothing to blend into the surroundings. Additionally, use natural cover or blinds to stay concealed while hunting. Pay attention to the wind direction to avoid being detected by their sensitive noses.


By incorporating these comprehensive tips and tactics into your coyote hunting approach, you can significantly increase your success rate. Remember to always adhere to local hunting regulations, practice ethical hunting practices, and prioritize safety during your hunts.

Frequently Ask Questions

1. How can we possibly trap coyotes?

The best way to trap coyotes is by using Scent and Calls. Coyotes are animals with great smelling strength. Hence they will be more attracted to scents. Calls also work extremely well when it is mixed with Scent.

2. How early should I go out to hunt coyotes?

You should leave before sunrise. Finding the spot and all set up takes time. Hence moving out from the dark will give you enough time to be ready before encountering coyotes.

3. Should we hunt coyotes in windy weather?

Yes, you can hunt coyotes during the wind. But you have to take care of the wind detection and accordingly use your equipment to attract coyotes towards you.

4. What sounds should the electric call produce to trap coyotes?

Electric calls have to mimic the sound of the prey coyotes’ hunt. This varies from place to place. Hunters must find the most common native prey and adjust the electric call accordingly. The most commonly used sounds for coyote hunting are rabbits and cottontails.

5. How long should I wait after using all the gears to attract coyotes?

If the area has a proper density of coyotes, you can find them in just 10 minutes. If not, you can wait up to 25 to 30 minutes. But if you’re feeling sometimes strong, your wait may extend up to 45 minutes. But not more than that. Change the area and try again from the beginning if nothing works for 45 minutes.


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